The Troubadour on a Perched Tree
L’Arié ... Joie on a mild October afternoon bathing a ruddy day,
Approached his great oak tree at the end of the garden, the father of the breed,
Letting the verdant branches of its rough breastplate float in the breeze,
Our solitary grandfather, in this autumn, was warming in the sun.
Robust, it has nourished its flourishing ramage in half a century,
Bubbles the sap in its mighty limbs,
Wood pigeons, turtledoves, blackbirds shelter in summer from the stifling sun,
The Eurasian nuthatch, upside down, on its trunk of feeding insects.
Resistant and durable, it provides wood for frames that defy time,
And the finest furniture, floors, barrels and ships of yesteryear,
On its highest branches, which only we see tremble,
Like slow water, barely its leaves it made rustle.
Before the fall of its foliage obstructing the slabs of the gutters,
At our neighboring friends, the owner-neighbor decided on a little pruning,
To shorten a few haughty weeping branches using the weeper,
Well camped on the roof of the shed avoiding any slippage.
Advised at the height of his four years by little Éloi, enjoying the show,
Helped by my lovely wife, clearing branches and twigs,
With caution, with a firm gesture with my secateurs on a high stake,
Gently pruned the twigs, but pim, patapoum, no miracle!

From more than two meters, it was on the wooden terrace that the pruner fell,
Head forward and arms outstretched, on his chest and wrists he landed,
Stunned but aware, the breakage immediately put him in bad shape,
His young assistant, at the sight of the blood, crying in panic, escaped.
Resting on the ground, closely watched by distraught Sandrine and very worried Jo,
A quarter of an hour later, the firefighters were providing care and requests,
With protective sheath for a loose wrist and survival blanket,
It was to the sound of the pin-pon that the injured man was taken to the emergency room.
At the Mutualiste of Pessac, the cripple was immediately taken care of,
The emergency doctors putting him in safety while thinking of the wounds of the face,
From X-ray to scanner everything was examined, finding about fifteen broken bones,
Ribs on both wrists, the spine fortunately spared.

On Saturday, October 10, the surgeon and his team will consolidate the wrist
By the break of an external cylinder-pin, screwed on the radius and ulna,
After three days under the intense supervision of very dedicated nurses,
Return home for a six-week cocooning under a sky of fractus.
Daily visited for anti-phlebitis injection and dressings,
Small dishes, care and bodily assistance by Jo will occupy the daily,
Diversified by reading and writing messages with one finger, slowly,
To chat with subscribers or contacts L'ARIE...JOIE actor.

Three weeks passed at the slow pace of a planned consolidation,
When an alert in my right ankle forced me to have another x-ray,
The result without appeal, with 2 fractured malleoli and astragalus,
Compression stockings and rigid walking boots will complete my outfit.

Complications will follow after Toussaint with an incipient wound,
A pressure sore on the swelling on the wrist created by the injured spindle,
On Friday, November 13, on an outpatient basis, I went back to the OR, worried,
For removal and installation of equipment with local anesthesia, ears on the lookout.
Anesthesiologist, surgeon, nurses a real well-established hive,
The ARIÉ ... JOIE, entering "plugged in" to come out "tackled",
Returning to her home to feel her arm slowly wake up,
Pain difficult to bear before the painkillers take effect.

My match to heal the fracture was to last six weeks, serene,
After this game incident, here is an additional time of five weeks,
Regular dressings every two days, for a bit of a chat,
With Fanny, Alexia and Maéva, nurses enlivening my confinement to the diet.
But the sixth week will see Mum leave for her "Big Trip"
The angels of Paradise came to seek her with their team,
Mom your sun, made way for your Star in the night,
You will always be my landmark and my lighting too!
On the positive side, the fracture of the right wrist will no longer require the wearing of the splint,
But for the broken ankle, the walking boot will relieve my bowl,
On the first day of ADVENT it was my birthday to remove the staples, about twenty,
My left wrist with its new plaque celebrating its fortnight!
For my AFTER, functional rehabilitation will surely take its course,
Ankle and wrist handled with attention by Yann, my rugby player,
Around Christmas, he was to reinvigorate the left wrist, much more "shattered",
To allow the sports columnist, at the end of January, to hope to make his comeback?
Whether the wicked English or South African variants have invaded us,
General confinement in the fall and wearing of the required mask,
With the third wave it will be more than 100,000 deaths in April,
But release for a Vendée escapade after 60 sessions of manly handling.

Out of my golden prison, first walk in the Chouans countryside,
With the scent of freshly cut hay and slurry in the fields,
Path accompanied by the song of the cuckoo and the hoopoe,
In the pond of frogs and toads, their songs of love struck up.

And as Pierre Perret sings it, "Open, open the birdcage",
For the summer, a "Grand Tour de Corse" cruise, far from Bordeaux,
For winter, in the land of Santa Claus, a polar expedition in Lapland,
I live, I enjoy, I share with those who love me, thank you Life.

In his great wisdom Confucius wrote:
"The greatest glory is not to never fall,
but to get up with each fall. "
As for Charles Hadon Spurgeon, Pastor in 1851 at the Baptist Church
from Waterbeach north of Cambridge he preached:
"Hope is like a star, it is not seen in the sun of
happiness and can only be discovered in the night of adversity. "
A big THANK YOU to all of you for your many messages of support,
I dedicate this beautiful sentence to you by Marcel PROUST:
«Let us be grateful to the people who give us happiness,
they are the charming gardeners by whom our souls are flowered».
Guy l’Arié…..Joie