Corona March 2020 - Poemes & Diaporama Website L'Arié...Joie

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Corona March 2020

Crying Mars, Laughing Mars, This is the Month of Change,
This bellicose month smiles in tears to welcome Spring,
In the waltz of the seasons winter takes its bow,
All over nature the impetuous Spring launched its crazy dance.

But towards the end of January during preparations for New Year's Eve in China,
Mysterious viral pneumonia spread from Wuhan city,
All continents will be affected, exceeding 250,000 infected cases,
The beginning of spring with more than 12,000 deaths worldwide.

At a time when whiskers were combing the waves,
More than 12,000 cases in France and nearly 600 deaths left us speechless,
While returning from his African stay, during his first song,
By its two typical syllables, the cuckoo announces Spring.

The streets are empty, the shops are closing and people are confined,
The closure of all places of education the President decreed,
In the fields, in the meadows, the flowers dance in farandole,
More sporting events in preparation for the crazy atmosphere Games.

However on March 15 our leaders under pressure from the opposition,
Liberated us and greatly advised us to vote for the elections,
Result more than one voter out of two absent, for a record of abstention,
With a second round postponed for 3 months and mayors playing overtime.

After winter, the sun's rays do their good work,
The dawn spreads its crumpled wings like a crumpled handkerchief,
But in hospitals the nursing staff are lacking beds,
In retirement homes, to protect them, no more visits to our seniors.

Everyone realizes that the world is stopping, that the economy has collapsed,
But the rascal Cupid torments mammals and volatiles in happy drilles,
Nature with subtle scents brightens up the birds launching their trills,
While the magnolia offers its fragile finery from pink to powdery white.

Like Serge Lama, I'm sick, completely sick,
All the symptoms are there, I'm hot, I'm cold, I deprive myself of walks,
On television with each news that falls, I recognize myself as infected,
I have to face the facts, like all of France, the virus caught me.

I panic and dream of the hospital where I would be taken without you,
The underpaid nurses will take care of me,
Doctors on call who are not on strike at all will provide me with their care,
The Social Security welfare state will pay the bill and top up.

The doctor arrives, overwhelmed with calls he runs like a good professional,
The auscultation lasts three minutes, I await the cruel diagnosis,
So doctor I have it, that's right, I said to him in my ordeal,
Without an ounce of humanity, he replies, you have contracted a severe form.

This is the coronavirus we are talking about, shine I say completely exhausted,
No it’s the one we don’t talk about at all, the acute “trouillitis”,
The petoche, the jitters, the chocottes, the paranoid, what fear!
Turn off the TV, read a good book, and put on socks for the cold.

Humans stay at home, protect yourself, confined, enjoy life,
For the new coronavirus, an old drug will pay off,
Chloroquine, a molecule used against malaria, makes a big splash,
Be patient, very well known and inexpensive, it will be a great product.



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